
Mild alkaline liquid cleaning concentrate

for the application in ­automatic and semi-automatic dosing systems of washer-disinfectors, for the automatic processing of medical devices.

Field of application
  • alkaline cleaner (pH 10) for very effective removal of blood and protein residues at all temperature programs
  • especially gentle to materials
  • protects instruments made of steel and stainless steel from corrosion
  • suitable in combination with TR-Neutralizer also in washer disinfectors such as Miele thermodisinfectors.  Tested by Melag.
Active ingredient basis

Optimized cleaning concentrate based on mild alkaline tensides, QAC, complexing agents and phosphonates.


dosage (washer/washer-disinfector): 0.3 – 0.5 %

ultrasonic device: 5 – 10 ml/L

Fill the concentrate into the door dosage system for the cleaner and close the flap.  For automatic dosage systems, connect the dosage lance with machine-compatiblecan and if necessary adjust the dosage quantity.

Application only by qualified medical personnel!

Delivery form


  • REF 3717 – 5 L can, compatible for direct connection with dosage lance



Safety Data Sheet TR-3

Size: 718.97 KB
Hits: 178
Date added: 28-08-2023
Date modified: 28-08-2023